How Much Does it Cost to Study at Cambridge?

Knowing how much it costs to study at Cambridge helps you to understand the investment you’re looking to make; find out here.
February 24, 2025
5 min read
Cress Warnell

When you’re considering whether to become a student at the University of Cambridge, it’s important to know how much you can expect to pay.

Knowing how much it costs to study at Cambridge helps you to understand the investment you’re looking to make. It’s good to see it as an investment - both in time and money - because getting a degree from Cambridge should help you establish a career in whichever discipline you choose to pursue.

There are three main components to the costs of studying at Cambridge University. These are:

  • Tuition fees
  • College fees
  • Living expenses

This guide helps you to understand all three, and how they might change depending on your circumstances.

The figures in this guide relate to 2025-26. While the numbers are likely to change for future years, this is still a valuable guide to the expenses you should budget for.

Tuition fees for studying at Cambridge University

These are the fees you are required to pay for taking a specific course at the university. They will vary depending on whether you’re classified as a Home or International student, and if it’s a first or subsequent degree.

You are usually considered a Home student if you are a UK citizen and have been resident in the UK for at least three years.

All these fees are for one year.

Home student first degree tuition fees: £9,535

Home student second degree tuition fees: Either £9,535 or £12,876, depending on the course.

International student tuition fees: From £27,024 to £70,554.

Fees for Home students will increase each year, in line with inflation as measured by the UK Government (specifically the Retail Price Index excluding mortgage interest payments).

The International fee varies depending on the subject being studied. Medical degrees are the most expensive. The fee rate is fixed for the duration of the course.

For courses that include a year abroad, the tuition fee for that year is different. For first degree Home students it’s 15% of the full year fee.

There is not usually an extra fee for students coming to study at Cambridge for a year, but you should check this with the institution you’re coming from.

If you’re a Home student you may qualify for UK student loans or grants, depending on your circumstances. Wherever you’re from, you may have the option to apply for scholarships, grants, loans or other forms of financial assistance. 

College fees for studying at Cambridge University

Every student at Cambridge University must also belong to a college. Each college has its own fees. 

If you’re a Home student studying your first degree, you do not pay a separate college fee. All other students are presented with two separate figures for tuition and college fees. 

You’ve already seen the tuition fees (above). Annual college fees vary from £10,017 at Darwin, up to £13,950 at Murray Edwards. Some of these fees are fixed for the three or four years of your course, while others are reviewed each year.

Living Expenses at Cambridge University

Unlike the tuition and college fees, there’s not a fixed charge for your living expenses. What it will cost you depends on the lifestyle you want to live while you’re at the university.

Here are some of the more common expenses that Cambridge students spend money on:

  • Rent
  • Groceries
  • Study costs
  • Clothes and shoes
  • Socialising
  • Clubs and societies

Because Cambridge is relatively small, travel is unlikely to be an expense of university life. Most students walk or cycle between college and university venues.

Rent is usually the single largest expense you’ll be paying, which could be up to £200 a week for an 8-week term.

Accommodation costs vary between the colleges. They all offer contracts that are for less than one year, with some as low as just 27 weeks. Check the individual college websites for what’s available in 2025-26.

It’s not unreasonable to budget to spend up to another £200 a week on other living costs. However, you can get away with spending less if you manage your money carefully. It’s also very easy to spend a lot more, particularly if you have a very active social life.

As a Cambridge student you’ll often eat in your college cafeteria or at the more formal dining events known as a ‘formal hall’. Cafeteria meals typically cost between £4-£7, with a formal hall being around £10-£16.

Look for the Kitchen Fixed Charge in some colleges. This can range from around £300 to £700 for the year.

University guidance is that for 2025-26 Home students should budget for around £11,160 of living expenses in a year. This is based on spending 9 months in Cambridge. For international students, who are likely to spend 12 months in Cambridge, the guidance is to budget for £14,880.

If you’re a Home student you may qualify for a student loan, grant or scholarship which could cover some of your living expenses.

Examples of the cost of studying at Cambridge University

To help you see how much it costs to study at Cambridge, here are three examples. All are fictional students who intend to study at the University of Cambridge in the year 2025-26, with an indication of what it will cost them and how much they are expected to pay.

Geoffrey, age 18, UK student studying History of Art 

Geoffrey wants to enjoy his Cambridge experience, but is keen to minimise his expenses, which means he’ll be going home outside of term time. These are his first-year costs:

Tuition fee: £9,535

Living costs: £11,160 (Based on University guidance)

Total costs: £20,695

Because it’s a first degree, Geoffrey is entitled to a tuition fee loan. He can also apply for a maintenance loan of up to £10,554. This is the maximum available, as his family income is low. He’ll need to find £606 to cover his costs for his first year.

Polly, age 18, UK student studying medicine

Polly is highly ambitious, so she expects to be staying in Cambridge to study for some weeks outside of term time.These are her first-year costs:

Tuition fee: £9,535

Living costs: £13,392 (20% above University guidance)

Total costs: £22,927

Because it’s her first degree, Polly is also entitled to a tuition fee loan. She can also apply for a maintenance loan of up to £4,915. It’s lower than Geoffrey’s because her family household income is three times his. This means she’ll need to find £8,477 to cover her costs for her first year.

Yasmin, age 23, International student studying Veterinary Medicine

Yasmin is keen to learn all she can while she is studying at Cambridge. She will remain in Cambridge for the duration of her course, meaning her living costs will be higher. These are her first-year costs:

Tuition fee: £70,554

College fee: £12,663 (Trinity College)

Living costs: £14,880 (Based on University guidance)

Total costs: £98,097

Yasmin is looking for loan, grant and scholarship options available from her home country.

These three examples are only illustrations of what it may cost to study at Cambridge. Your situation is likely to be different, but you can use these as a guide.

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Cress Warnell

Cress is a skilled copywriter who transforms ideas into captivating content. With a passion for words and a keen eye for detail, she crafts compelling copy for Summer Schools, helping students explore their options in education.

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