21 Reasons Why You Should Study English

Whatever hopes and plans you have for your future career, there are many reasons why you should study English.
In depth knowledge of any language is vital to achieving excellence in written and verbal communication. This is particularly important in English, a language with a rich history, wide vocabulary, and extensive literature.
English is considered one of the more difficult languages to learn and master. The syntax and grammar are tricky, pronunciation can be challenging, and most of the rules around its use are applied inconsistently.
Despite all these challenges, studying English can be hugely rewarding at both a personal and professional level. Here are some of the reasons why.
1. English is a Global Language
Almost wherever you go in the world, you’ll find someone who knows at least a few words in English. More than 1.5 billion people speak it as their first or second language, and they are spread all around the globe.
Choosing to study English will help you gain communication skills that can be used in many different places, both personally and professionally.
2. Deepen Your Understanding of Culture
The literature and language of English-speaking nations are a vital part of their history and culture. As you study the language you’ll get a better understanding of their traditions and values, and a deeper appreciation of how these nations contribute to the modern world.
3. English Gives You Career Opportunities
Many of the world’s largest organisations have chosen English as their common language. Having a good command of the language will give you many more opportunities in business, politics, education and other areas you may want to work in.
4. Develop Valuable Communication Skills
The study of English helps you become a more confident communicator, both in writing and as you speak. Poor use of language can lead to misunderstandings and mistakes, and can leave others with a poor impression.
Through reading and analysing a wide variety of writing and talks in English, and having opportunities to practise for yourself, you’ll develop communication skills that will serve you well for life.
5. Sharpen Your Critical Thinking Skills
The study of English usually involves analysing texts, performing literary criticism and evaluating how arguments are put forward.
Doing this develops your skills in critical thinking. You learn how to approach problems in an analytical way, and make logical, informed judgments. Doing this in English strengthens your understanding of the language, allowing you to use it more effectively.
6. Improve Your Networking Opportunities
Networking is a vital skill for developing your career. Learn how to make and nurture valuable connections with others, where the common language is English. Developing a network of contacts who share your interests opens the way to future collaborations and other career opportunities.
Studying English makes it much easier to build this network.
7. Become More Media Literate
The study of English involves a wide range of media, such as novels, plays, films and digital texts. Learn how these are put together, based on the intentions of their creators.
Improved media literacy in English will help you better understand the huge amount of information that you will encounter through many different communication channels.
8. Develop Intercultural Competence
Today’s globalised world brings people together from many different cultures and communities. Studying English, a common language across much of the world, helps you better understand and navigate these diverse environments.
Equipped with intercultural competence you’ll be better able to develop meaningful connections with others from many different backgrounds.
9. Better Appreciation of Literature
Many classic pieces of literature were written in English, from Shakespeare to Jane Austen, George Orwell to Stephen King. By studying English you will be better able to appreciate the depth of classic literature and film, which in turn helps you to better understand today’s society and culture.
Discover the beauty of language and explore different ideas, as presented in works from different times and places.
10. Improve the Quality of Your Writing
The study of English includes improving your writing skills, because it’s vital to demonstrating your understanding of the language. English courses give you space to practise your writing and to gain feedback, helping you improve.
Learning how to write more clearly, concisely and persuasively will be highly beneficial for your career, as these skills are valued highly in many professions.
11. Develop Your Research Skills
As you study material in the English language you will learn how to research more effectively. You will discover how to efficiently gather information, perform critical evaluation on your sources, develop coherent arguments and present these in the appropriate form.
These research skills can be applied in many areas of your future career, both in academic and professional life.
12. Become More Competent in Linguistics
Through detailed analysis of English you will become familiar with how language is structured, along with the role of syntax and grammar. This knowledge will help you to better understand English, and also how other languages are constructed.
Your career in a globalised world may require you to learn other languages, at least to a basic level. Understanding the basics of linguistics can give you a significant advantage in this area.
13. Explore Your Creativity
As you study English, you will typically be encouraged to discover the creative aspects of the language. You’ll be given the chance for creative thinking and self-expression, as you use English to explore your ideas and perspectives.
This unlocking of creativity can be a huge asset in your career, allowing you to pursue different approaches to the challenges and circumstances you encounter.
14. Improve Your Analytical Skills
Many careers place a high value on the ability to analyse complex information quickly, form opinions and present findings. Because the study of English involves detailed analysis of texts, where you identify patterns and themes, it teaches you how to analyse more effectively.
15. Become Academically More Versatile
As you study English you will also connect with many other academic disciplines, such as history, sociology, philosophy and more. These connections open your thinking to a wide variety of subjects and areas of knowledge.
16. Deepen Your Empathy
As you study English literature you will engage with a diverse set of characters, narratives and themes. Some of these can challenge your preconceived ideas about how the world works.
The result should be that you become more empathetic to new ideas, cultures and situations. This attitude will serve you well in many different careers.
17. Raise Your Historical Awareness
The world around you is the result of generations of choices and actions. As you study English you will become aware of the different historical periods, along with their associated cultures and changes in society.
As your historical awareness increases, you should have a better appreciation of issues and opportunities faced by nations and organisations today.
18. Improve Your Problem Solving
English is considered one of the most difficult languages to learn. As you study you will encounter linguistic challenges, such as inconsistent grammar rules and apparently contradictory conventions.
Your problem-solving skills will be sharpened as you tackle each of these. The same skills can be transferred to many other aspects of your life and future career.
19. Personal Development
Choosing to study English in a university context can significantly broaden your intellectual horizons. Because language is vital to how we communicate with one another, learning how it works can challenge assumptions and encourage self-reflection.
It will help you to better understand the world around you, and shape your personal growth.
20. Become More Flexible and Adaptable
The English language is an excellent example of how adaptation and flexibility are essential to development. As you study English you will admire how it has changed in response to many different influences.
In a world where it’s important to be open-minded and adaptable, understanding how English has changed will help you appreciate more diverse perspectives.
21. Commit to Lifelong Learning
As you study English in a university context you will acquire skills and a mindset for lifelong learning. The study of English encourages an enthusiasm for the written and spoken word, stimulates intellectual curiosity and makes it easier for you to engage with new ideas.
All of these will be hugely valuable in whatever career you choose for your future.
Study English with Summer Schools
The study of English is always going to serve you well, whatever direction your career takes. The skills you learn and the mindsets you develop are transferable to any business or organisation, and you will use them in both personal and professional life.
We offer great opportunities for studying English, at many of the leading universities in the world. Take a moment to explore what’s available today.